Let’ meet together at the 44th Building, Construction Materials and Technologies TURKEYBUILD fair - Sever Makine

Let’ meet together at the 44th Building, Construction Materials and Technologies TURKEYBUILD fair

Technologies TURKEYBUILD fair

During this fair which will be held between 23-26 March 2022 at Tüyap Fair and Congress Center, We will present to you our innovative new machines and our updated existing machines we hope that it will recieve your appreciation and admiration


Our guests who will visit us at our booth will have the opportunity to see our new machines and to examine closely the latest developments and innovations in grass fence and wire mesh production systems.

In addition, our chairman of the board of directors Mr. Çoşkun SEVER will make a new product launch during his presentation.


We would like to host you at our stand.

Hall No: 3

Booth No: B201

What is Grass Fence?